
Benchmarks: Focus on the baby boomers

Almost 4 in 10 baby boomers believe they will be better off financially in the next year, according to a survey by Mediamark Research Inc. Here are other results from the survey of Americans born from 1946 to 1964:

55.0%: Voted in an election in the last year

42.4%: Exercise at least twice a week

41.0%: Played the lottery in the last year

40.7%: Say “preserving the environment” is an important guiding principle in their lives

39.1%: Believe they will be better off financially in the next 12 months than they are now

35.6%: Live in a household that owns or leases at least three vehicles

30.8%: Remodeled their homes in the last year

23.3%: Have no health insurance

21.7%: Signed a petition in the last year

13.9%: Own a giant screen (42 inches or larger) TV
