
Apologist doesn’t aid Nunez

Re “In the speaker’s defense,” Opinion, Oct. 27

Garry South (and presumably state Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez) must think that ordinary Angelenos are awfully stupid. To “defend” Nunez’s conduct, South compares his own long-ago travels with former Ohio Gov. Richard F. Celeste to Nunez’s tours of Napa Valley, Spain and France, and portentously concludes that “public officials often are damned if they do, damned if they don’t.” Don’t what? Show the flag by living large in Europe?

The implication that the little people live vicariously through their state legislators and would be disappointed if Nunez stayed home is absurd. Comparing any aspect of a foreign trade mission to a “forced march” is an affront to our military. Finally, ordinary people are perfectly familiar with the “protocols” associated with gift-giving. Ask anyone who has forgotten a spouse’s birthday or attended a bridal shower. Shame on the speaker and his apologist.

Amy W. Lyons

Los Angeles


What an amazing set of excuses from a Democratic political strategist for Nunez’s outrageous behavior. South writes how hard such luxury and free travel is -- once they had to stay up late to enjoy a Chinese banquet, and on another trip they had to get up early so a porter could collect their bags. Poor babies.


Welcome to the real world, Mr. South. Most people work late and start early. The difference is, we pay our own way.

John Piccininni

Newport Beach
