
Calling all animal lovers

The wild diversity of shapes and sizes in the animal kingdom is the subject of “Sights, Sounds, Scales and Skin,” a multimedia family program at Caltech’s Beckman Auditorium on Saturday, featuring a short “Creature Features” BBC film exploring weird and wonderful animal anatomy -- multiple eyes, flappy ears, long necks, oversize beaks, tubby tushes and more.

The event, a collaboration with the Pasadena Symphony recommended for ages 6 and up, will feature live accompaniment by percussionist Munyungo Jackson, a question-and-answer session with scientist Michelle Thaller of Caltech’s Infrared Processing and Analysis Center and a close look at some live animals. “It’s a wonderful combination of science and music,” says Jerri Price, the symphony’s director of education and community engagement. It’s part of Pasadena’s Festival of Skin/Arts and Ideas 2007.

-- Lynne Heffley

“Sights, Sounds, Scales and Skin,” Beckman Auditorium, 332 S. Michigan Ave., Pasadena. 2 p.m. Saturday. $5. (626) 395-4652, (888) 222-5832. events
