
Rep. Lantos and Raoul Wallenberg

Re “Lantos says he won’t run in fall,” Jan. 3

It is symbolic that Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Burlingame) announced his illness and his stepping-down in the same month that we commemorate the day that Raoul Wallenberg -- the man who saved Lantos and his wife more than 60 years ago -- was taken by the Soviets, never to be seen again.

Lantos never forgot the man who saved his life. When elected to Congress in 1981, he was the driving force behind President Reagan awarding Wallenberg honorary U.S. citizenship. Lantos was also the first to sign our campaign “100,000 Names for 100,000 Lives” to disclose the fate of Wallenberg.

We at the foundation know he will continue his work to preserve the memory and disclose the fate of Wallenberg.


Abigail Tenembaum

Executive Director

International Raoul

Wallenberg Foundation

New York
