
Goldberg’s weekly show

Re “What ‘The Daily Show’ cut,” Opinion, Jan. 22

Jonah Goldberg is the funniest political writer in America today -- right up there with Stephen Colbert. But while Colbert mocks the oafishness of “Fox News” commentators, Goldberg just parodies himself. His stint on “The Daily Show” -- where he promoted his book claiming that fascism was a term that, although it applied to a few extremists on the right wing such as Nazis, actually meant “progressives” -- was brilliant, worthy of Borat.

But even better was to have written a whole column in The Times complaining that he was misunderstood, leaving us with the impression that the only non-fascists in America are Goldberg, a few neocon stalwarts and whatever Republican Goldberg is jokingly promoting these days. Jonah Goldberg -- always good for a laugh!

Phil Brimble

Los Angeles

Goldberg claims that if fascism comes to America, it will come under the guise of progressive politics. I think Goldberg is looking on the wrong side of the political street.


About 70 years ago, Sinclair Lewis said, “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.” If Lewis was right, then fascism has already arrived, and it came from the political right, not the left.

Jerry Wallingford

San Diego

Goldberg once again shows his inability to see the world for what it is through his GOP-colored glasses. In case you didn’t know it, Mr. Goldberg, fascism is already here in the United States, in the form of warrantless wiretapping, holding people prisoner without due process, illegally invading a country, a corrupt election, signing statements and more, all signed, sealed and delivered via your GOP heroes.

Any serious-thinking person would not equate programs supported by progressives, such as the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, with fascism.


Mark Van Leeuwen


Poor Jonah. He got “smacked around for 20 minutes” inside the whale of comedian Jon Stewart. He projects his own “feelings were so hurt” onto liberals who don’t want to buy his book. We think he doth protest too much. Frankly, if I find “Liberal Fascism” in a thrift shop for a buck, I might consider buying it -- just for the cover, which does sound colorful. Maybe.

Janice Tieken

