
Firefighters hurt in chemical blaze

Twelve firefighters were injured Sunday afternoon in a fire that involved caustic chemicals at a textile dyeing company, authorities said.

The fire began about 4 p.m. outside Alstyle Dyeing and Finishing, said Anaheim Fire Marshal Jeff Lutz.

He said the fire’s heat ruptured four tanks holding more than 11,000 gallons of hydrogen peroxide, a chemical corrosive.


Although the chemical caused the fire to burn hotter, firefighters were able to control the blaze in an hour.

More than 100 firefighters and two hazardous-materials teams responded to the scene, in an industrial area, where authorities evacuated employees from 35 surrounding businesses and more than 170 people from a Salvation Army shelter across the street from firm, Lutz said.

A security guard at the company was taken to a local hospital, and his condition was not known.


The cause of the fire is under investigation.

-- Julie Cart
