
Appears there’s ‘Work’ to be done

I’M DISAPPOINTED in David Tischman’s review of Season 3 of “Work Out” [“It’s Not Even Breaking a Sweat,” April 20].

First of all, the writer’s objectification of women, a recurring thread, is offensive.

But it’s clear the author fast-forwarded through the previous seasons -- he missed the drama of [gym owner] Jackie [Warner] and a client sharing their pain, as it is revealed in group, that both their fathers committed suicide, the struggle of Jackie and her mother to come to terms with each other, the confrontation of Doug and Jesse over whether there is a hierarchy in the gay community and the problems Jackie encounters as she starts a clothing line.

This season’s drama unfolds as Jackie continues to err in judgment in her interactions with her trainer employees. How far can her charisma carry her? Is there a point where it will backfire?


True, the show’s called “Work Out,” and if that’s the interest that draws one to the show, it may be a miss, but that doesn’t nullify its value as an up-close look at a very charismatic character caught up in, and maybe a little blinded by, her success. Tischman missed it.

Lisa Campbell

