
Blue period

Dear Andruw Jones: You may eventually break out of the horrendous slump you’re in but in the meantime, lose 30 pounds, run hard to first on all grounders that you hit and lastly, please lose the Carmelo Anthony smirk.

Jay Cox

Laguna Niguel

Andruw Jones is a true triple threat: He can’t hit, he can’t run and he can’t add. In Bill Shaikin’s column Sunday, Andruw says that the Atlanta Braves paid him $75 million over six years; the Dodgers signed him for $36 million for two years. “I made twice the money I’m making now in Atlanta,” he claims. Bulletin Andruw: The $12.5 million per year you were paid in Atlanta is not exactly twice the $18 million per year you signed for when you jumped to the Dodgers.

Skip Nevell

Los Angeles

After reading T.J. Simers’ article involving our overpaid and overweight bust, Mr. Jones’ response to all questions involving his poor performance this year is summed up in his three words, “I don’t care.” My three-word response is “See you later.”


Wayne Kamiya


The Times has written recently that the Dodgers’ starting pitchers have a problem pitching more than six innings. This has been the rule rather than the exception for the last three years. Brad Penny has been overrated and the pressure he has put on the bullpen (along with Lowe and others) has shown in his second-half stats and in the Dodgers’ performance.

The problem with the Dodgers has been the inept and extremely poor performance of their GM. The Times looks at an overweight and struggling Andruw Jones, but who signed him? And who signed Schmidt, Pierre, Garciaparra and Kuroda to ridiculous long-term contracts?

The Times should focus on the cause, rather than the poor results.

Richard Kane

