
In the eye of the beholder

Re “Let’s save MOCA,” Opinion, Nov. 22

Eli Broad’s generous offer to invest $30 million in MOCA will undoubtedly motivate others to accept his challenge to support the museum -- provided MOCA lays out a plan to operate within a budget, without spending down its endowment.

Thomas Bliss

Sherman Oaks


Reading this Op-Ed article confused me. What MOCA is Broad referring to?

He mentions “world-class exhibitions” and “the most important contemporary art museum in the world.” MOCA is probably the worst museum in the universe. I was a founding member, paying dues for the first 12 or so years of the museum’s existence. After about 20 or so visits, I finally realized I could not be part of this silliness any longer. Every visit was the same -- boredom, followed by puzzlement and, finally, a sort of rage, wondering why this city can’t have a modern museum with actual art.

This is a city with a huge number of great art galleries -- infinitely more worthy of your time, and they’re free!


Marvin Bluth

Los Angeles
