

Re “Winning the water war,” Opinion, Aug. 26, and “Angelenos conserving water and power,” Aug. 27

Timothy Brick’s excellent article fails to mention the fact that any plan to reform the water-delivery system from the delta to Southern California will still leave us with a no-growth situation.

We eventually need to tap into the greatest water source in the world -- the Pacific Ocean. The technology already exists to desalinate ocean water, and through the use of solar power, the cost can soon be afforded.


We should start serious discussion on how and where to build the first solar-powered water purification plants along the coast.

Ron Lankford



Brick’s idea of a sustainable future, with more dams and a peripheral canal, is just the opposite of sustainability.

The current package of bills being considered by state legislators has a number of good features, such as water conservation, that deserve to be passed. But the rushed nature of the bills has produced a jumbled package that provides a direct path to more dams and a harmful canal and rewards large, subsidy-supported farming corporations.


The package of bills has the faint odor of the panicked energy deregulation legislation not long ago. A more measured and transparent approach would better serve the citizens and finances of California.

Nick Di Croce


The writer is a former member of the public advisory committee for the State Water Plan.


It’s commendable how the city of L.A. has responded to the mayor’s request to reduce water consumption. There is far less cause for pride knowing the mayor can sleep so soundly that he doesn’t know about the “glitch” in his high-tech sprinkler system.

Michael E. White



We have been told over and over again by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa that we must conserve water.


Yet while the rest of us can use sprinklers only two days a week, the mayor’s were “turned on in the wee hours of the morning when lawn watering is prohibited.”

It appears that the mayor’s water conservation program may be malfunctioning as badly as the sprinkler system at his home.

Robert Cherno

Los Angeles


Although most Angelenos deserve a pat on the back for doing their part during these times of conservation, there are still many people who choose not to play by the rules. Have you seen the sprinklers going off at noon?

For the people who can afford to pay extra for watering your plants -- help out with the struggling school board or state budget. The students and taxpayers of California will be much more thankful than the red oak tree standing in your front lawn.

Charlie Hsueh

Temple City
