
Board rules on jobless aid appeals

Decisions about a worker’s eligibility for unemployment benefits are made by the California Employment Development Department and appealed to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.

There are seven members of the appeals board, all appointed to four-year terms. Members earn $128,109 per year; the chair earns $132,179. Five members are appointed by the governor. The Senate Rules Committee and the speaker of the Assembly each name one.

The board reviews and decides appeals of 205 field judges, sets policies for the agency and hires an executive director. Alberto Roldan is the acting executive director.


The board has one vacancy. Its members are:

Chairwoman: Bonnie Garcia, a Republican Assembly member from 2002 to 2008, appointed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in late 2008.

Vice chairman: George Plescia, a Republican Assembly member from 2002 to 2008, appointed by Schwarzenegger in late 2008.

Ann M. Richardson: A lawyer and top staffer to former Gov. Gray Davis. She was appointed by Davis in 2003 and reappointed by Schwarzenegger in 2008. She declined to state a party affiliation.


Liz Figueroa: A Democrat, former state senator and former Assembly member, appointed by the Senate Rules Committee in 2007.

Cindy Montanez: A Democrat and former Assembly member, appointed by the Assembly speaker in 2007.

Sharon Runner: A Republican and former Assembly member, appointed by Schwarzenegger in April.
