

Re: “Obama administration is urged to expand mortgage rescue,” March. 7:

The Obama administration has a plan to help “responsible homeowners” avoid foreclosure. Great. What, exactly, makes someone a responsible homeowner? Someone whose home is now worth less than what he owes on it? Or someone with a loan he never should have gotten in the first place?

Housing costs have dropped, leaving some with top-heavy mortgages. It’s a cruel world; live with it or walk away. If your loan rate is now above-market, too bad. You have no one but yourself to blame for agreeing to these rates.

Just don’t ask me, the taxpayer who played by the rules and bought a home he could afford, to pick up the tab for your mortgage. I have my own obligations and my own house payment; certainly I am not responsible for your house payment.


When and where do I get my bailout?

Richard Deight

