
Tax the fat cats

Re “Obama tax idea alarms business,” May 5

President Obama wants to finally close the tax loopholes that allow corporations to shelter their profits in foreign nations, and what a surprise, big business doesn’t like Obama’s plan. Middle- class workers have to pay their taxes, but fat cats don’t. I guess we will find out who really runs Congress, the people or the special interests.

Ralph S. Brax


Obama has said that words mean things. But his administration is calling provisions of the tax code that allow for deductions “loopholes.” That makes it seem as if companies that follow the tax code are somehow cheating the government. To call anyone who follows the tax codes onto the carpet when he has nominated so many people who have failed to pay their taxes is wrong.

This just seems to show that the tax code is beyond repair. It is being used as a club against certain people and to inflame class warfare, which was never the intended purpose.


Barry Levy

