

Re “L.A. Marathon may be heading back to March,” May 7

I’m glad the City Council plans to move the marathon back to March. May is too late in the year.

Even a March date doesn’t guarantee good weather -- in 2004 it was in the 90s at the finish line -- but the odds are better.

Sunday works best for large races, and this is only one Sunday out of the year. I ran Pittsburgh’s marathon this year, and several churches along the course seemed to have found a solution: full services on Saturday evening and then the church members were out on Sunday morning working aid stations, supporting their city and the runners. Another church, in Houston, has its choir sing to the runners as they pass.


Perhaps some of our L.A. churches might consider similar options.

Tessa Lucero

Canyon Country


If San Diego can hold its marathon on May 31, why can’t the Los Angeles Marathon be run on Memorial Day?

These poor athletes (many of them are not so poor) complain about the possible hot weather. Like the ancient Greeks, aren’t strong athletes supposed to overcome the sun, wind and rain in order to win the race?

Kenneth Larson

Los Angeles
