
‘Glee’ will make you giddy

You better talk about: “Glee”

Why? It’s only the best thing you’re going to see on broadcast television all year. Try to resist the story of a group of high school glee club misfits as told by “Nip/Tuck” creator Ryan Murphy. It’s more “Election” than “High School Musical” -- the big production number is set to Amy Winehouse’s blackout ode “Rehab.” (Tuesday)


You could talk about: “The Girlfriend Experience” . . . if you like Steven Soderbergh.

Art-house Soderbergh. The movie, which premiered at Sundance and has been available on-demand since April 30, hits theaters this week. Action, told in nonlinear fashion, revolves around a high-end Manhattan call girl, played by porn star Sasha Grey, as she tries to boost her business in a down economy. Which means in addition to sex, she throws in conversation and companionship, the titular “girlfriend experience.” (Friday)


Want to talk about: Tori Amos’ “Abnormally Attracted to Sin”?

Despite a provocative title, Amos’ latest is not music for the bedroom. The singer-songwriter told that her 10th studio album, and her first for new label Universal, is inspired by the financial crisis and how it affects relationships. “How is that going to play itself out behind closed doors? There’s a strain that’s going to be put on lovers . . . because it’s power that is the aphrodisiac in the bedroom.” So this is going to be beautiful but also a mood killer, got it? (Tuesday)



Do we really have to stop talking about: “24”?

Don’t want to, but the end is near. Will Jack Bauer make it through one of his most trying days? Hassled by a sweet-talking terrorist, betrayed by Tony, poisoned by a biochemical weapon of mass destruction, and now, Kim’s in danger again. We’d give the guy a break, but really, we just wish Kiefer would stop head-butting people and get to work on Season 8. (Monday)


No, seriously, you should talk about: “Easy Virtue”

Yes, it stars Jessica Biel. But also Colin Firth, Kristin Scott Thomas and Ben Barnes. And guess what? It’s surprisingly good. Biel plays a sexy American who in 1928 weds an Englishman (Barnes) but finds it impossible to win the favor of her stuffy mother-in-law (Thomas), who has it in for her Yankee daughter-in-law. Her husband’s father (Firth), however, finds a kindred spirit. (Friday)

-- Denise Martin
