

The controversy of AT&T;’s involvement in tampering with 2009 “American Idol” votes [“Tallying ‘Idol’ Disputes,” by Scott Collins, May 28] has little to do with contestant favorite Adam Lambert “getting the boot” and more to do with a major program sponsor violating the public trust in running a clean election. The fact that AT&T; has admitted to foul partisan play -- regardless of depth or scope -- voids the integrity of the operation.

Producers of “American Idol” would do well to insist on revealing the vote count/tallies to the public. Without this common courtesy, “American Idol” will permanently lose support from those of us who stand by a common code of values: honor, integrity and incorruptibility.

Tizoc Tirado

El Monte


We have several friends and co-workers who are so disgusted with the voting on the show that we will no longer be watching “AI.”


Over 100 million votes -- seriously? Get real!

This has turned into a contest of who is tenacious enough to vote -- I should say text -- hundreds of times every week to ensure a win.

“American Idol” should limit the voting to one phone call per telephone or eliminate the American public from choosing the winner altogether.

Change the voting so that when the final contestants are down to five, the judges determine the outcome.


We all are truly disappointed and feel that the voting has turned into a real joke.

Glenda Maddox

