
On the cheap

Now that 87-year-old Dodgers scout and former player and coach George Genovese’s 18K scouting salary has been slashed to 8K [Bill Plaschke’s column, Nov. 12] Jamie can now offer bigger tips to her “drivers,” Frank will hire another gardener for his four mansions plus Manny can continue to do whatever he pleases.

John Holmstrom



Mr. Genovese has everything that the Dodgers’ organization lacks -- talent, class, and loyalty. As a lifelong Dodgers fan I will gladly pitch in for gas money so Mr. Genovese can drive around town and do what he does best and that is scout out talented individuals with potential, but this time I want him driving around searching for new owners for our once-great organization.

Kevin Riordan

Northbrook, Ill.
