
Nothing rude about being economical

Dear Amy: My 16-year-old son and his friends get together at one another’s homes to play video games or watch a movie.

Whenever his friends come to our house, we feed them and provide them with snacks and beverages. My son has often paid for this out of his own pocket because he enjoys their company, has a very generous spirit and is a gracious host.

Whenever they go to “Jack’s” house, the mother sends an e-mail to everyone telling them to bring a snack to share, and she recently said, “Bring money so we can order pizza.”


I find this tacky and rude.

Is this a trend or is it rude and obnoxious?


Dear Wondering: I don’t see a trend here. What I do see is a tough economy, where hosting a pack of teenage boys could cost upward of $200.

Nor do I think asking kids to pay for their own snacks or chip in for pizza is outrageous.

These older teens should be involved in the important transition from kids whose moms provide snacks and pay for movies to young adults who finance their own recreation.

It sounds as if you are a generous person. That’s an admirable trait. But to brand another family as tacky, rude and obnoxious for following a different financial model is unnecessarily harsh.
