
Box office chart

Estimated sales in the U.S. and Canada:
Movie (studio)3-day gross (millions)Percentage change from last weekendTotal (millions)Days in release
1“Shutter Island” (Paramount)$22.2-46%$75.110
2“Cop Out” (Warner Bros.)$18.6NA$18.63
3“The Crazies” (Overture/Participant /Imagenation)$16.5NA$16.53
4“Avatar” (Fox/Dune/Ingenious)$14-14%$706.973
5“Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief” (Fox/Dune/Ingenious)$9.8- 36%$71.217
6“Valentine’s Day” (Warner Bros./New Line)$9.5-43%$100.417
7“Dear John” (Sony/Relativity)$5-30%$72.624
8“The Wolfman” (Universal/Relativity)$4.1-58%$57.217
9“Tooth Fairy” (Fox/Walden)$3.5-21%$53.938
10“Crazy Heart” (Fox Searchlight)$2.5-14%$25.173

Industry totals

3-day gross Change Year-to-date grossChange
(in millions)from 2009(in billions)from 2009
Sources: Times research and Box Office

Los Angeles Times
