LA Opera presents ‘Lohengrin’ by Richard Wagner
Ben Heppner plays Lohengrin. (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)
Lohengrin (Ben Heppner) thinks about killing Friedrich of Telramund (
Elsa of Brabant (Soile Isokoski) and Lohengrin (Ben Heppner) express their love for each other. (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)
Friedrich of Telramund (
Elsa of Brabant (Soile Isokoski) offers kindness to Ortrud (Dolora Zajick), who unbeknown to Elsa is plotting against her. (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)
Dolora Zajick, center, plays Ortrud, who is outraged that her husband, Friedrich of Telramund, has been dishonored. (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)
Ortrud (Dolora Zajick) and Friedrich (James Johnson) place doubt in the mind of Elsa about her husband to be. (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)
Kristinn Sigmundsson as King Heinrich, center, congratulates Lohengrin (Ben Heppner, left) and Elsa of Brabant (Soile Isokoski) on their marriage. (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)
Elsa of Brabant (Soile Isokoski) and Lohengrin (Ben Heppner) on their wedding night. (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)