The cast of NBC‘s new show “Smash” gathered in New York on Thursday night to celebrate the musical drama’s Feb. 6 debut. The show centers on competing Broadway hopefuls Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee) and Ivy Lynn (Megan Hilty) as they try out for the lead role in a new musical about Marilyn Monroe.
From left, Hilty and McPhee with costars Angelica Huston and Debra Messing at the opening at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. (Charles Sykes / Associated Press)
Megan Hilty, left, the “Smash” costar whose stage credits include “Wicked” and “9 to 5,” stands with Broadway leading lady Bernadette Peters. (Stephen Lovekin / Getty Images)
Author Fran Lebowitz, left, and model Patti Hansen. (Stephen Lovekin / Getty Images)
Singer and actor Aaron Carter at the premiere in New York. (Stephen Lovekin / Getty Images)