
Snooki having a boy. What does she already have? A little class

Snooki has class. You heard me right.

News came out Wednesday morning that the now-very-round “Jersey Shore” star would be having a boy. Amid the congrats, one re-tweeter filled in the blank on “#JerseyShore’s @Snooki is having a ...” with “Demon? Spawn? Giraffe? Iguana? Rhino?”

Snooki replied, “Iguana!” Fetus humor is not easy for a pregnant woman. It’s just not. And to another tweeter who called her “soooooo irritating,” she replied, “U shouldn’t admit that to me cuz now i wanna irritate you more.”

One friendly individual assured her of her love despite her “haters.” “It simply clarifies that I’m doing my ... Right,” tweeted Snooki.


That’s class wrapped up in a pregnant, 4-foot-9 package.

Perhaps little Lorenzo or Jionni Jr. will inherit his tiny mother’s confident attitude. And those names aren’t made up. They’re two that the couple are considering. Beats “Guido,” which seems a favored way of referring to the coming bundle of joy.

But the 24-year-old reality TV star told In Touch magazine, which had the exclusive on the gender of the new baby, that she was kind of hoping for a girl. Perhaps it’s the wardrobe limits getting her down. She likely won’t be dressing him up in any leopard-print minis.

Either way, she told the magazine, her days of wild partying are over. As she noted, becoming a mom changes a person.



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