
Prince’s 1980s albums: How would you rank them?

Prince performs at the Forum in Inglewood on Feb. 18, 1985.
Prince performs at the Forum in Inglewood on Feb. 18, 1985.
(Liu Heung Shing / Associated Press )

Prince released more than three dozen albums over a four-decade career, but his biggest hits came in the 1980s. How would you rank his nine albums from that decade, which started with "Dirty Mind," peaked with "Purple Rain" and wound up with "Batman"?

OK, we know "Purple Rain" will probably land in the top spot, and "1999" still gets mucho respect, but how well does "Around the World in a Day" hold up, and does anyone listen to "Lovesexy" anymore?

On the left side, we have listed Prince's '80s albums in chronological order. Drag and drop from that list over to the right side to rank them from No. 1 to No. 9. For example, if you think "Purple Rain" is his best '80s album, click on it and drag it over to the No. 1 spot on the right. Do this until you have filled in all nine spots, then hit submit and see how you compare to other readers.

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