
Chef-designed T-shirts: fashion for foodies

Flavour Gallery, the maker of T-shirts aimed at chefs and foodies, has a new fall line featuring designs by Andrew Zimmern, Chris Cosentino and other notable chefs. “The Other White Meat” T-shirt with the head of a hoary goat, pictured above, was designed by Zimmern (host of the Travel Channel’s “Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern”). The new line is due to release in early November.

Flavour Gallery owners Alfredo and Erin Malatesta launched the brand in 2011, aiming to “unite and identify fellow culinary enthusiasts” – you know, the way Joseph Gordon Levitt’s Joy Division T-shirt in “500 Days of Summer” banded together nostalgic 80s-era fans of late-70s post-punk, or something like that.

Both veterans of the fashion industry, the husband and wife team wanted to create a product that complemented the foodie aesthetic. Alfredo says, “We want our lifestyle brand to be a part of the food industry, not the fashion industry. Food is a topic that everyone connects with and we are trying to service that market.”


The Malatestas are believers in cultivating and representing the local culture and as an extension have set up shop in Los Angeles. All the clothing produced by Flavour Gallery is sewn, dyed and printed in their L.A. warehouse. “For us, it’s about the art, the quality of shirts, and trying to connect with people from a food level,” Alfredo says.

The company has collaborated with several celebrity chefs such as Rick Tramonto and Ludo Lefebvre. They also have designed merchandise for food festivals including Los Angeles Food and Wine, Big Apple Barbecue Block Party, South Beach Food and Wine Festival and more.

In addition to T-shirts and hoodies, Flavour Gallery also carries accessories such as aprons, totes and scarves. Soon, a children’s and home line.




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