
What happens when you microwave Peeps?

People love to play with their food. There is an actual Punkin Chunkin world championship and some get a kick out of tossing a dozen eggs around.

There are many ways to destroy food for fun, but in honor of Easter, we had to get some Peeps involved.

PHOTOS: The secret life of Peeps


Ever wondered what happens when you put Peeps in the microwave? It’s right up there with the punkin chunkin and an egg toss, just a lot less messy.

After our weeklong investigation into the secret life of Peeps, we got to thinking about what other things we could do with our squishy marshmallow friends and thought, ‘why not the microwave?’

Turns out, if you put them in the microwave, they turn into giant versions of themselves. They expand to about four times their actual size then deflate into nothing more than the inside of a s’more.


For our experiment, we took a Peep and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Not quite the same rush as catapulting a pumpkin hundreds of feet in the air, but it’ll do.

Watch the Peep grow then deflate in our video above.


The secret life of Peeps

Bacon condoms. Yes, that’s right


Homemade ‘peeps’? These chicks rule.

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