Janet Hook
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Janet Hook covered national politics for the Los Angeles Times until October 2021. She returned to the Washington bureau in 2018 after spending eight years covering politics and Congress for the Wall Street Journal. Her first stint with The Times was in 1995-2010 covering Congress and politics. She was a fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics and received the Everett Dirksen Award for reporting on Congress, the Carey McWilliams Award for political reporting and the John S. Knight Fellowship for Professional Journalists. She is a graduate of Harvard University.
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The former Senate majority leader helped make Nevada a Democratic state and urged Barack Obama to run for president.
Progressives threaten to block Biden’s infrastructure plan as negotiations around the broader social spending plan stall.
Una generación diversa de jóvenes votantes, que será crucial en 2022, se ha visto impulsada más por los temas que por los candidatos.
The two are trying to distance themselves from the administration’s handling of the U.S.-Mexico border crisis, particularly the treatment of Haitian migrants.
Joe Biden, el presidente de más edad de la historia, dependía de los votantes jóvenes para ganar en 2020. ¿Podrá mantener su apoyo?
Not all young people drawn to the GOP are Trump fans. Polls suggest millennial and Gen Z Republicans identify less with Trump than older Republicans.
Joe Biden, the oldest president in history, depended on young voters to win in 2020. Can he keep their support?
A diverse generation of young voters, who will be crucial in 2022, have been galvanized more by issues than candidates.
Newsom won by stoking fears of the GOP to turn out his base, and by touting his handling of the pandemic. Would the strategy work outside California?
Tom Cole, now an Oklahoma congressman, had a bird’s-eye view of the chaos in Washington after the Sept. 11 attacks. The experience redirected his career trajectory.