
For the record - Oct. 13, 2013

Scott Carpenter obituary: In the Oct. 11 LATExtra section, the obituary of Scott Carpenter, one of the original Project Mercury astronauts. included several errors. The list of surviving family members identified his son Robyn Jay as a daughter and gave an incorrect number of stepchildren. Carpenter is survived by his wife, Patty; four sons, Robyn Jay, Matthew Scott, Nicholas Andre and Zachary Scott; two daughters, Kris Stoever and Candace Carpenter; three stepchildren, one granddaughter and five step-grandchildren. Carpenter was predeceased by two sons from his first marriage, Timothy Kit and Marc Scott. Additionally, the article said that Carpenter joined the Navy’s V-5 flight training program after his high school graduation. In fact, he applied and was accepted to the Navy’s V-12a program in the spring of 1943, before he graduated. The article also said that Carpenter was not a combat pilot; as the article went on to note, he flew patrol and surveillance missions in the zone of conflict during the Korean War.

Government shutdown: In the Oct. 10 Business section, an article about the federal government shutdown said that Labor Department workers were scheduled the week of Oct. 6 to survey households for the department’s monthly jobs report. In fact, the survey is scheduled to be conducted the week of Oct. 13 by the Census Bureau for the Labor Department.

Dodgers: In the Oct. 6 California section, the caption for a photo that accompanied an article about Dodger fans misidentified catcher A.J. Ellis, No. 17, as second baseman Mark Ellis.
