
Where to reach Education Matters

Thank you for reading Education Matters as we get started. We hope you’ll continue to participate by helping us tell the education stories you want and need to read. We want to know all about your experience with schools as a parent, administrator, teacher, student or resident in Los Angeles and across California. Our mission is to help you better understand your school system, to keep those systems honest, and to also entertain you with fun stories about education.

You can help us serve you by keeping in touch. We want to know about teachers, homework, uniforms and commutes. Is your school doing something unique that excites you? Do you suspect cheating on standardized tests? Do you think your son’s teacher is exceptional? Did your daughter’s school bus break down? Is your school’s lunch revolting? Or is it delicious?

We want to know.

How to reach Education Matters

Education Matters receives funding from a number of foundations. The California Community Foundation and United Way of Greater Los Angeles administer grants from the Baxter Family Foundation , the Broad Foundation, the California Endowment and the Wasserman Foundation to support this effort. Under terms of the grants, the Times retains complete control over editorial content.


You can find us on Twitter at @LATEducation. We’ll often use social media to ask you specific questions, but feel free to reach out to us with quick thoughts, quotes or photos.

We’re also available on email at [email protected].

You can reach me, Education Matters editor and reporter, on Twitter @Joy_Resmovits and by email at [email protected]. You can contact our reporter Sonali Kohli on Twitter @Sonali_Kohli, and email her at [email protected].


How to contact our Los Angeles Times education team

Howard Blume covers the Los Angeles Unified School District.

Twitter: @howardblume

Email: [email protected]


Zahira Torres is an investigative reporter covering k-12 education in the Los Angeles area.

Twitter: @zahiratorres

Email: [email protected]

Teresa Watanabe covers K-12 education.

Twitter: @teresawatanabe

Email: [email protected]


Larry Gordon covers the UC system and other higher education topics.

Twitter: @larrygordon

Email: [email protected]

Carla Rivera covers the Cal State system and other higher education topics.

Twitter: @carlariveralat

Email: [email protected]


Jason Song covers community colleges and private universities.

Twitter: @byjsong

Email: [email protected]

Beth Shuster is the Los Angeles Times education editor.

Twitter: @beth_shuster

Email: [email protected]
