
Opinion Daily columns by Matt Welch

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    Why nobody, but nobody will ever take mass transit as long as they have a choice.

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    The Dodgers have problems that go far beyond a talk-radio host straining at the leash.

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    The climate for free speech will remain chilled, and the political atmosphere poisonous, for as long as we don’t know why the UC Irvine leader unhired Erwin Chemerinsky in the first place.

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    The powerful logic of constant interventionism.

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    New passport and child-support laws are making the country less free for law abiding citizens.

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    The dark side of “good” eminent domain.

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    Round One of this year’s heavyweight bout between nature and man goes to the impressively professional two-legged creatures.

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    An interview with former U.S. ambassador to Armenia John Evans, who lost his job after referring to the Armenian genocide as “genocide.”

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    Vladimir Putin’s crackdown on dissidents is more Gorbachev-like than many people might guess.

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    Enjoying the national pastime of watching politicians make fools of themselves over baseball.

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    Why City Halls shouldn’t enact social policy by the contracting process.

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    An army of gray-hairs, some of them undocumented, are changing this central Mexican town.
