
Readers React: There’s more to L.A. than old buildings

Historic districts are not really about saving history; they are about people trying to use laws to force some people’s aesthetic preferences on their neighbors. What is historically correct is that L.A. has always grown and changed. Little buildings get replaced by bigger buildings. That’s normal. That’s historical. (“L.A. is bogged down in trying to save its historic structures,” Editorial, May 13)

There will always be old buildings that hobbyists can spend their own money fixing up, so don’t worry about historical displays.

Rather, let’s worry about saving the environment. New two-story houses should be built close to public transit and stores, not on hillsides or on the edge of cities where the only way to get anywhere is by car. Let’s also worry about the cost of housing. More restrictions on what can be built reduces the supply of housing and increases the cost.


Los Angeles’ leaders should do what is best for the environment and the supply of housing, not what those effectively advocating for no growth want.

Sharon Gehl

San Diego
