
Letters: Get U.S. troops out of Afghanistan

Re “Afghan attacks pose threat to exit plans,” Aug. 20

The Times writes, “American troops are dying at unprecedented rates at the hands of their Afghan allies.” Later an Afghan analyst says, “The conflict has been becoming worse, nastier — and the presence of foreign troops doesn’t seem in the eyes of many Afghans to have brought positive changes.”

After 11 years, it seems obvious from the Afghans’ point of view that the word “threat” in your headline should be replaced with the word “hope.”


And with polls showing that Americans overwhelmingly want our troops brought back home, can any Republican or Democrat explain why this is not a campaign issue? Mitt Romney states that we should not reveal when we are leaving, and President Obama states we must wait until 2014.

Both candidates know that as long as our youth are stationed in Afghanistan, bodies will continue to return here in flag-covered coffins.

David N. Hartman

Santa Ana

The United States has heavily invested in Afghanistan and has accomplished its original mission: the successful dismemberment of key Al Qaeda training facilities. We’ve made significant progress in the war on terror, which is now at risk as we embark on nation building.


It is time to accelerate our departure from Afghanistan, where our soldiers have remained for too long. Not one more American life should be lost in that country.

Paul Shubunka

Santa Clarita


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