
Letters: Closing the partisan divide

Re “Budget deal emerging in the Senate,” Oct. 15

Democrats must take the high road, move past revenge (a new thought, perhaps?) and work with the Republicans to get our government working again now and into the future. I say this in all sincerity even though the Republicans have brought this calamity on themselves.

It’s now up to our leaders to set a new tone in Congress and above all not allow a small group of extremists from either party to set the tone that serves no end but their own agenda. Our leaders have proved to the nation that rancor, lack of integrity, disrespect and retribution lead to more of the same.

We all try to lead our lives with honesty, respect and intelligence, and we need to demand the same from our leadership.


Cathy Dowling

Spring Valley, Calif.

Re “Politics before all,” Letters, Oct. 15

The Times’ selection for Tuesday’s lead letter is part of the problem, not the solution. In her screed against people who oppose President Obama, the writer states that under a Republican administration, raising the debt ceiling “would be approved routinely, as it was under Reagan and both Bushes.”

In 2006, George W. Bush was president. When the debt ceiling issue came before the Senate, a newcomer named Barack Obama voted against raising the limit, citing it as a sign of “leadership failure.” He was not alone; in fact, every Democrat in the Senate voted against it.

That’s what the writer calls routine approval?

David Stoughton

Santa Monica


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