
Letters to the Editor: Of course voters are angry and afraid. Their president is undermining the election

President Trump walks from lectern after speaking in the White House Rose Garden
President Trump leaves after an event about coronavirus testing in the Rose Garden of the White House on Sept. 28.
(Associated Press)

To the editor: Your excellent report on the fear and loathing expressed by voters this election did not focus on the elephant in the room — the fact that never before have we had a sitting president attempting to delegitimize an election.

President Trump’s calling into question elections by mail during a pandemic when there is little evidence of fraud is beyond belief. Even Republican-controlled states with vote by mail attest to its safety and fairness.

As a liberal Democrat, I will be crushed if Trump wins, but I will accept the outcome if the vote counting is allowed to play out by the norms and conventions of all previous elections. I realize it is unlikely we will know the result on Nov. 3. I think most of us feel that way.


However, it seems that Trump has set up his loyal followers to believe that any outcome other than victory will mean the election was stolen by the Democrats. It is a brilliant strategy.

I have never felt more disillusioned in my life.

Ellen Williams, Pasadena


To the editor: The fear that voters are showing is understandable, but it would not be necessary if our president was not making statements about disregarding the election results if he loses. It would be foolish for voters to disregard the possibility that he would actually do what he says.

The surprise from your article is that several voters are willing to give up their responsibility for dubious reasons and not vote at all. Seriously? This may well be the most consequential election in our history. We need all hands on deck.


I am reminded of the novel “Les Miserables” by Victor Hugo in which Jean Valjean, after a self-serving past, has a personal epiphany and devotes his life to benefit others. This leads him to take part in the Paris uprising of 1832, manning the barricades and risking his life.

The character is fictional, but the event is not. The uprising was rooted in inequality exacerbated by an ongoing cholera epidemic. Sound familiar? This makes me wonder how many Jean Valjeans we might have if this election is stolen.

We do not have to take up arms, but we may need to flood the streets in protest. Yes, anything can happen, but the anxiety is palpable. In the end, we the people have power and will determine who represents us.


Jeffrey Eulberg, Reseda
