
GUY CARROZZO --- Mayor’s column

This week, I have asked Purchasing Manager Simone Friend to give us an

idea of the scope of her department’s responsibilities.

As you can see, Simone and her staff have the task of procuring

everything from paper clips to fire trucks, of providing reprographics

and mail services, and a multitude of other tasks that enable our high

standard of customer service. We are proud of our city’s purchasing

policies and our diligence in using Fountain Valley vendors.

The Purchasing Division, a division of the Finance Department, is

responsible for securing goods and services required by all city

departments to meet their operating needs. This includes researching

products and services, obtaining bids and making recommendations based on


Purchasing is charged with the responsibility of buying the best products

at the lowest prices in the fastest turnaround time.

The city’s purchasing ordinance favors Fountain Valley vendors by using a

1% benefit factor for all bids made by a community business. The city

recovers the 1% in the form of sales tax returned to the city. Everyone

wins -- the resident gets the lowest price, the business environment is

strengthened, and the city reaps the benefits.

Fountain Valley vendors who are interested in providing goods and

services are encouraged to participate in the city’s buying program. We

invite you to contact Purchasing Agent Simone Friend at 593-4413.

Printing, computer products, office supplies, computer training, office

equipment, janitorial supplies, awards and trophies and fuel for the

city’s fleet are just a few of the products and services purchased from

Fountain Valley vendors. The city purchases a tremendous range of items

for all departments, buying everything from paper clips to specialized


For example, the city recently acquired thermal imaging cameras for the

Fire Department. These cameras enable firefighters to see through smoke

and observe hot spots. Identification of these spots assists firefighters

in rescuing victims.

Fire trucks, the equipment to keep firefighters safe and medical

equipment to aid residents during any crisis is an area of purchasing

that is never run of the mill. The Police Department also has specialized

items purchased for officer safety. Tactical vests for officers, special

radios, police cars and undercover equipment are just a few of the

distinctive and necessary goods. The city’s crime identification unit

uses supplies that are unique to its function, such as

fingerprint-detecting powder, chemicals, special film and handling

devices for all kinds of property.

The department also buys supplies and services for the city’s vehicle

fleet, water, landscape, street and government building operations to

maintain property, buildings and equipment. Dump trucks, street sweepers,

mowers, special-use trucks, chain saws, bucket loaders and tree trimming

vehicles seen on city streets are often purchased through a cooperative

agreement with the state, county or other local government agency.

By joining with other cities, the city benefits by paying a lower price

for goods purchased in quantity.

The department’s responsibilities also include reprographics, contract

printing, copying, mail services and providing office supplies needed by

city departments. The Purchasing Department recently acquired a new piece

of equipment that enables staff to fold, insert and postmark an average

of 2,000 bills within two to four hours. This technology reduces the

water bill mailing process, which in turn helps maintain Fountain

Valley’s water rate as one of the county’s lowest.

The Purchasing Department is an integral part of the city’s support

system, providing the goods and services to all city departments, helping

Fountain Valley continue to remain a nice place to live.

* GUY CARROZZO is mayor of Fountain Valley. SIMONE FRIEND is the city’s

purchasing manager.
