
City Council Wrap-Up

The following is from the Sept. 1 City Council meeting.

Surveillance cameras requested

Jewelry store owner David Rubel asked the council to consider installing surveillance cameras around town to deter armed robberies in town.

Councilwoman Verna Rollinger said one jeweler suggested reinstating the beat officer downtown. At one time, a patrol officer and canine officer walked the areas daily, but that was more to reduce the aggressive begging than to stop armed robbers.

Councilwoman Toni Iseman supported the idea of surveillance cameras.

An armed trio stole $600,000 worth of jewelry Aug. 25 from a Forest Avenue shop. One robber has been arrested.


‘Open studios’ approved

The council approved the Arts Commission’s request to implement a monthly “open studio” program for local artists, which was moved from the first Friday of the month to the first Saturday, based on the results of the pilot program conducted in April, May and June.

The pilot program was from 1 to 6 p.m. Fridays, but after reviewing it with participating artists, the commission recommended moving the studio openings to 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays to avoid heavy commute traffic.


Publicity, a brochure and a map will be printed for the program, paid by $5,000 from Business Improvement District funding at the commission’s disposal.

Any expenditures must be approved by the council.

Where there’s smoke

The council voted 5 to 0 to approve a second reading of the ordinance prohibiting smoking in city’s public parks.


The prohibition will take effect in 30 days from when the ordinance is passed.

Extra time for project permits

Staff proposed giving some developers extra time to get on with certain projects by extending entitlements such as design-review approvals, coastal development permits, conditional use permits and variances. The proposal was approved, 4 to 1.

Contractor and designer Gregg Abel said it is the right thing to do in these hard economic times.

“People are just trying to cope,” Pearson said.

The proposal was opposed by Village Laguna because it doesn’t require a review of conditions that may have changed since the original approval.

Rollinger voted “no.”


The extension will preserve development entitlements that have or will expire between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2010, and either could not be commenced or implemented due to the prevailing economic conditions in the construction and lending industries.

Loma Terrace parking restrictions

The council adopted a resolution establishing “no parking” restrictions on parts of Loma Terrace and eliminating “no parking” restrictions in other parts, as recommended by the Parking, Transportation and Circulation Committee.


The changes should net one or two more on-street parking spaces.

City augments library contribution

Friends of the Laguna Beach Library will contribute $137,000 toward the renovations under way at the branch of the Orange County Public Library at Glenneyre Street and Laguna Avenue.

The commitment is almost half the estimated $250,000 cost of the project.

The city will take some of the burden off the Friends pocketbook, with a $40,000 contribution, approved by the council, 5-0. The city’s stake will be taken out of a Library Facilities and Services Trust Fund, for which the city has been collecting impact fees for about 10 years.


The city’s contribution reduces the Friends commitment to $97,000. The county library system will pay the rest.

Dietrich remodel approved

City code requires an automatic appeal of any design review decision in which a member of the Design Review Board or Planning Commission is the applicant or has an interest in the property.

Robert and Planning Commissioner Linda Dietrich are the owners and applicants of a North Laguna home that is being remodeled. They requested a revision in the original approval, which the council unanimously approved.


The council approved the Dietrichs’ request to change the materials on the alley side of the home from wood to stucco.

“” Compiled by Barbara Diamond
