
Pittsburgh Steelers and charity drop Terrible Towel lawsuit

Hey, Pittsburgh Steelers fans! Ever wonder what your beloved Terrible Towel would look like if it were written in Chinese? 邁倫應對的官方可怕的毛巾,原來在匹茲堡,

How about Bengali? Myron এর মোকাবেলা অফিসিয়াল রচনা গামছা, পিটসবার্গ একটি মৌলিক,

Serbian? Мајрон Цопе је званично Ужасно пешкир, Питсбург Оригинал,

We could do this all day, courtesy of Google Translate. Unfortunately for businessman Nick Rossi, he can’t. At least not on the knockoff towels he was selling in various languages.

According to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, the Steelers and the AVS Foundation charity have dropped their trademark lawsuit against Rossi and Husky Homes Inc. -- which did business as Tanto Abruzzo -- as well as the Squirrel Hill News Stand after Rossi told U.S. District Judge Arthur J. Schwab on Friday that he’s no longer making towels that infringe on the trademark and a representative for the news stand said it has agreed to stop selling the product.

Rossi says he started making the towels in Italian a few years ago to benefit earthquake victims in Italy and then expanded to other languages, including Spanish and Hebrew (not sure about Chinese, Bengali or Serbian). He says he has removed the word “terrible” in any language after receiving a cease-and-desist order saying that his product looked too much like the trademarked towel.

The official product reads, “Myron Cope’s Official The Terrible Towel, A Pittsburgh Original,” named after the Steelers’ late broadcaster. Proceeds from the towels benefit mentally disabled children and adults at the Allegheny Valley School.

You can see a Terrible Towel anywhere the Steelers happen to be playing or practicing -- or pretty much anywhere a Steelers fan might be. You just won’t be seeing one that looks like this: “Мірон Коуп Афіцыйны Грозны ручнікі, Pittsburgh арыгінала” (Belarusian).


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