
Idiots and Angels: 2 of 5 stars

Sentinel Staff Writer

Animator and longtime Florida Film Festival friend Bill Plympton makes edgy, delightful and defiantly messy cartoon shorts. But his features rarely have the same sustained energy and wit.

Idiots and Angels, his latest, is a case in point. An odd parable about a bullying, abusive drunk who isn’t exactly reformed when he grows a pair of wings, it’s an edgy dialogue-free exercise in misanthropy.

Many sight gags works, but a sexual assault (almost), ugly practical jokes, road rage and razor-blade removal of wings are some of the charms of this “Plymptoon.” Whatever he was going for, this would have worked better as a short.


Screening at: 9 p.m. Sunday, March 29, Enzian; 10:15 p.m. Friday, April 3, Regal.
