
Web Buzz: brings stories, food to the table

A scrumptious blog from a couple traveling around the world with their mouths and their minds wide open.


What it does: Joins beautiful photography with first-person travel stories and advice. Akila and Patrick McConnell have created a site that is one part cooking class, one part art show, two parts tour guide and three parts addicting.

What’s hot: You don’t feel as if you’re reading about an old trip. The vibrancy of TheRoadForks brings you right to their table whether the trip was in 2007 or last week. Even better, their Europe itinerary will last through September 2012, so there’s a lot to look forward to. The blog is filled with practical information about what they packed and how they prepared so you can hit the road yourself.


What’s not: If you can fault someone for being too good at what they do, I will. I was hooked by their voice but annoyed that I had to stop reading every couple of lines to look at another gorgeous photo. I don’t know if there’s a better layout option, but I wish I had fewer interruptions while reading their great advice and stories.
