
LAPD Detectives

* This time The Times has given us a double whammy. On Jan. 26, Xandra Kayden--whose opinions are usually way out in left field--wrote an Opinion piece telling us that the retention or dismissal of Chief Willie Williams is a political act that involves more than his competence or incompetence. Then on Jan. 27, Chief Williams claims that he needs more staff and money to properly investigate homicides.

Perhaps if Williams wasted fewer existing police resources in the enforcement of outdated prostitution, pimping and pandering and “lewd conduct” laws, he would have more money to invest in eliminating gangs and investigating the real crime that besets the citizens of this once-beautiful city. So far as I am concerned, as long as the LAPD has a vice squad squandering our precious tax dollars, it doesn’t need any more resources.

For once Kayden may be right. Not only is Williams incompetent, but the targeted raids that his minions continue to conduct against gay men in bars, parks, porno parlors, etc. should make his retention politically unacceptable. Williams may be popular in some minority communities, but his name is mud in other minority communities. Hopefully, Williams will soon become part of the rich history of the City of the Angels.



Los Angeles
